
Strategic Planning

Every Condominium Association should consider developing a Strategic Plan. The Plan provides direction and continuity for Association decisions.

Need for a Strategic Plan

Since Jupiter Bay began in 1982, its board members and property managers have been making decisions on a day-to-day basis addressing the needs and concerns of the community as they became known. Rarely were these decisions considered within an overall framework or strategy that assures consistency while targeting an overall preferred future state.

Consequently, in May 2016 the Board of Directors of the Jupiter Bay Condominium Association decided that it was time to determine the type of future community that our diverse constituency would prefer, which should provide an improved and more enjoyable lifestyle for the majority of its homeowners.

We began with the knowledge of the type of community envisioned by the builders of Jupiter Bay and the current state that it has morphed into. We considered the fact the Jupiter Bay satisfies three diverse requirements of its members – primary residence, second (vacation) home, and rental investment opportunity, and that the needs of each of these groups is considerably different.

Strategic Planning Committee Appointment

To address the Association’s need to define a desired future state and overall roadmap to get there, the Board of Directors appointed an Advisory Committee to assist the Board in establishing Strategic and Tactical plans for the Association. These plans were to define the long-range and intermediate-range respectively direction for Jupiter Bay. They are important in enabling the Association and Board to most effectively meet their responsibilities to the owners of Jupiter Bay. It is anticipated that these plans would:

  • Facilitate our decision-making,
  • Govern and guide our operations,
  • Establish a framework or assuring proper prioritizing of competing projects,
  • Influence budgets and the allocation of scarce resources,
  • Set our direction, assuring a more desirable future state, and
  • Benefit the overall best interests of a diverse JBCA community.

Strategic Planning Committee's Work

Jupiter Bay began its strategic planning process on May 6th, 2016, with the Board’s development of a Mission, Vision and set of Core Values. These plan components (shown in the adjacent column) comprise the core of its strategic plan. They guide the development of long-term (strategic) and short-term (tactical) Plans that set the future (1 to 3 year) direction for the Jupiter Bay Condominium Association.

On May 13th, a Strategic Planning Committee was formed, under the leadership of Daryl Kosloske, consisting of eight members: Tom Davis, Paul Thomas, Ray Larson, Paul Odegard, Josie Brown, Paul St. Clair, Daryl Kosloske and Doug Strong.

The Committee began meeting on May 19, 2016, and their final meeting was on September 8th. There was a total of 12 meetings, a minimum of 18 hours of meeting time, and many hours of individual time doing "homework".

The Committee defined the Association’s Current State, Goals and Action Plans:

  • Current State: They assessed Jupiter Bay’s Current State/Condition by documenting Positives and Negatives within 4 areas: Capital Assets, People Assets, Financial Assets and Governing Documents & Communication. (See adjacent column above.)
  • Goals: Using the Current State data as input, the Committee established 12 Goals to achieve the Board’s vision, which is “An Enhanced Lifestyle for Members of Jupiter Bay”. These goals address the community’s negatives and accentuate the positives.
  • Action Plans: 226 Action Plans were initially brainstormed to meet the Goals. These were consolidated into 72 Short-term and 25 Long-term ones.

The Committee’s work resulted in a draft Strategic Plan, which was presented to the Board for approval and later reviewed with homeowners at a 1/10/17 Board Meeting.

Mission - Vision - Values

STEP #1 - The Strategic Planning process begins with the establishment of Mission, Vision and core Values:

Maintain and improve Jupiter Bay to the delight of its members while adhering to the Association documents and Florida Condominium Statutes.


An enhanced lifestyle for the members of Jupiter Bay.

  • Transparency — sharing information with no secrets
  • Member Involvement — encouraging member participation
  • Integrity — adhering to the highest ethical standards
  • Responsiveness — to the members of the Community
  • Communication — with all who have a vested interest in the Community
  • Innovation — by fostering creativity
  • Accountability — for our actions

Association's Current State / Condition

STEP #2 - Once the Mission, Vision and Values are established, the next step in the Strategic Planning Process is to determine the Association's Current Condition.

Click here to download Association's Current State / Condition.

Strategic Goals Supporting the Plan

STEP #3 - Once the Current Condition is known, you're ready to identify Goals to achieve a more desirable future state:
Physical Assets:

  1. Clubhouse-type facilities for gatherings, meetings, special-interest clubs & social activities.
  2. Separation of business and recreational from residential areas.
  3. Attractive, well-maintained property with beautiful/consistent landscaping.

People Assets:

  1. Additional recreational and social opportunities and special events/trips providing a resort-like experience.
  2. Improved utilization of the skills and talents of the Association’s members.
  3. Resolution of issues involving parking, trucks, pets, security and staffing.
  4. Excellent in performing day-to-day Association maintenance and repair activities.

Financial Assets:

  1. Compensation/income for extra costs resulting from unit rentals (e.g., lease processing, parking permits, utility usage).
  2. Full funding of reserves, and positive operating fund balances.
  3. Reduction in the cost of various Association and member goods and services.

Governing Documents & Communication:

  1. Updated Declaration and Bylaws that accurately reflect the current state of the Community and properly protect its members.
  2. Effective and responsive communication to and from the Jupiter Bay homeowners.

The Strategic Plan

STEP #4 - Once Goals are identified, you're ready to establish Action Plans for achieving those Goals and completing the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Planning Committee presented a draft Strategic Plan to the Jupiter Bay Condominium Association's Board of Directors on September 8th, 2016.  The Plan was reviewed with Jupiter Bay Owners at a January 30, 2017 Board Meeting.  It includes 72 short-term and 25 long-term Action Plans addressing 12 Strategic Goals.

The following link provides a complete copy of the Strategic Plan:

Click here to download Strategic Plan